Sunday, June 27, 2010

Too much free time

So i am officially graduated from UVU in Elementary Education. My job at the After School Program ended in May, so since then I have had oodles of free time...too much to be exact! I had no school and no job and no one to hang out with during the day, it was horrible. I was a pity party and wallowing in my self pity and a good friend reminded me that if we out our trust in the Lord and let him help us with our trials our burdens will be lighter! I am so grateful for people in my life that help me to remember what is most important. After that day I felt a lot better. Now I am just searching for a teaching job for the fall but i am having no luck. I am also working at a profession that I am not qualified to work at.
I washed dishes at my roommate, Vicki's work for a week and her boss had said that if they got busy he would give me a call to come and help out. Well their dish washer ended up quiting and they switched some things around and asked me to come in and help from time to time. The company is called Culinary Crafts and its a catering company, so I am helping make food and for the most part I have no idea what I am doing and am completely lost 90% of the time. I love it though and am so so so grateful for the work and that I get to spend time with Vicki.
In the midst of my free time I got a free vacation. Pauli was going to Florida with the family that she nanny's for and they told her that she could bring a friend so she invited me. She ended up paying for my ticket as my graduation present from her, so I got to go for free. It was so much fun and I had a blast getting to know the family and spending eight days on the beach.
I just hope that people stop leaving me. First it was Shareena, and then it was Pauli, and then Kara, and now my baby brother is going to college (at least he is staying in the state of Utah and is not too far from me) but if one more person leaves me I think I will go insane.
Well I love you all and hope I caught you up a little I will try and post more. :)

Friday, February 26, 2010

Random Pictures on my camera

Me and Kara

Vicki - Yes she went out like this!

Me and my favorite mom ever

Me and my dad...Don't we look good

Me and my sister Shareena

My cousin Eli who is so cute and loves me!

Vicki and Pauli - They are awesome aren't they!

Pauli and P.J. They are amazing

Random questions?

1.What was the last thing you put in your mouth? My finger
2.Where was your profile picture taken? In my driveway
3.Name someone who made you laugh today? A little boy named Joseph
5.How late did you stay up last night and why? 11:30 I was watching "Friends"
6.If you could move somewhere else, would you? Maybe Tremonton
7. Ever been kissed under fireworks? nope
8. Which of your friends lives closest to you? Vicki, she lives in the room next to mine
9. Do you believe ex's can be friends? Totally! After you have had time to get over them
10. How do you feel about Dr Pepper? Oh man it is the nectar of the gods, but I am trying to cut back. I hear its not the best for you!
11. When was the last time you cried really hard? July
12. Who took your profile picture? My roommate Kara
13. Who was the last person you took a picture of? My roommate Vicki
14. Was yesterday better than today? Not really yesterday and today were both awesome.
15. Can you live a day without TV? Yes
16. Are you upset about anything? not really, I miss my sister but other than that I am koshe!
17. Do you think relationships are ever really worth it? Of course, I learn so much every time i am in a relationship even if its not a good one.
18. Are you a bad influence? Me...never! But really I am, just ask the people who were with the other night in the car!
19. Night out or night in? Depends on who is in and who is out
20. What items could you not go without during the day? my phone, chap stick, & food
21. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital? Kara (she works there) :)
22. What do/es the last text message in your inbox say? "Bummer. But okay cool"
23. How do you feel about your life right now? Craziness, but awesome
24. Do you hate any one? nope - but I really really don't like some people
25. If we were to look in your facebook inbox, what would we find? Lots of people wanting my address so they can invite me to their weddings
26. Say you were given a drug test right now, would you pass? Yes
27. Has anyone ever called you perfect before? I tell myself every morning
28. What song is stuck in your head? "Do you remember" by Jay Sean
29. Someone knocks on your window at 2:00 a.m. Who do you want it to be? My sister, but if not her then a boy

Things everyone should know about me!

1. If I had a choice to eat anywhere in the world...I would choose WENDY'S!
2. I have an obsession with buying movies...everywhere I go if they sell movies, I almost always buy one (even if it is dumb)
3. I have a really hard time getting to know people...if you want to get to know me, you have to make the first step. As I like to call it I am a "blow-dryer person" first you have to break through the ice and then you have to keep the blow dryer on me as to keep the ice from building up again!
4. I have a huge wall up when comes to letting people help me with anything.
5. I like to fix things...I like the satisfaction of making things look better.
6. My closet is organized in a very specific way by style and color and it has to stay that way.
7. I hate sheets...I can't stand to sleep in them. I also never sleep in my covers...I always just sleep with a big blanket.
8. I can be very anti-social...its a good thing that my roommates make me do things.
9. I love to organize papers, books, movies, and anything else that can be put in order.
10. I rarely keep in touch with old friends.
11. My favorite food is a lemon...and yes I just eat it plain with a little bit of salt.
12. I save everything!
13. I love to be in charge and in control.
14. I love to buy things for my makes me feel good.
15. I love to wash the dishes.
16. I am very sarcastic...most people just think that I am rude because I am so sarcastic.
17. I cannot drive in my car without the radio on or some sort of noise...I hate it when I ride with someone else and they don't have the radio on and it is silent. For awhile I had no radio in my car, so I had to listen to my mp3 player so i wouldn't be alone with my thoughts
18. Sometimes I forget to use my brain filter and say things that I shouldn't.
19. I love to take pictures, even though I am not very good at it.
20. I love to be around little kids...if I could I would be around them all the time.
21. I like to make people laugh, but after I do I usually always feel embarrassed.
22. I hardly ever try new things.
23. I would rather sleep on the floor rather then a couch.
24. I love to dance, but I know that I can't and yet I do it anyway.
25. I can't stand it when people don't like me.
26. I love to argue with people.
27. If I had one day to live I would want to laugh as much as I could in that one day.
28. My sister Pauli is my best friend and I love her!
29. I can't wait to have a family of my own!
30. I love to just hang out and do random things that are so simple and yet turn out to be the best memories...(i.e. camping and making memories, spray painting plates, hanging out at Joe's, and staying up till 6 am)
31. I clean my roommates room...and I enjoy it! I know I am weird!
32. I love chap stick!
33. Music is the passion of my life, i can't sing or anything like that, but I love to jam out to my favorite songs!
34. I love Summer!
35. I like to help people, I like the feeling of being needed!
36. Sometimes I get a big head when people complement me!
37. I love the Gospel with all my heart and try my hardest to do what is right!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


The love of my life! She is like a warm blanket on a very very cold day! She can feel the crevasses of my being with her never ending support and love. She makes me happy when I am feeling down. Me and her are like shoes and socks, you can't have one without the other. If you don't have socks with your stinks! She has inspired me to be a better person. I love her lots and lots and lots!!!!
Things I love:

cell phone
My family
random road trips (that i have yet to experience...but hopefully will soon)


Pauli is my dear friend and loving sister, who decided to dessert me and go have life experiences. I just want her to know that i love her more than anyone in the world. She is the one person that I can tell anything to! She can make laugh and cry anytime she feels the need. Me and her are peanut and jam, we just go together!! We may be over 1000 miles apart but we still are swinging along like two monkeys in the Jungle!!! But really...I love her lots and miss her everyday!!!!


So Vicki is my bestest friend in the whole world. She knows me like butter knows bread...(those are her exact words). She can always me laugh anytime no matter what I am feeling at the moment. She is like a cool breeze on a very very hot summer afternoon. She makes me happy like when a monkey gets a banana!!!!! :) She may hate me at times, but always gets over it!! She is the one of the things in my life that I can always count on. Me and her are like two peas in a pod!!! I love you Vicki! Thanks for being my bestest friend!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Funny story

So I am doing my student teaching right now and it is super fun! It keeps me busy, which I love. I have to be at the school at 7:30 and then I leave at 4:00, so I am there all day! From there I go to work till 5:00. I get home around 5:30 and then I plan lessons for the next day. I love the class that I am in. I am in a first grade class, there are 27 students who keep me on my toes. They always make me smile at least once a day!
So the other day, we were reviewing for a quiz we were going to take on the water cycle. I was asking the students what its called when the water goes up into the cloud (I was looking for the answer of condensation) One little boy whom I absolutely adore was talking with his neighbor so I called on him to answer the question. I said "what is it called when the water goes into the cloud?" he said in a 'matter of fact' tone "well its called constipation". I was trying so hard not to laugh. I quickly corrected him and went on. Afterwards I was talking with my cooperating teacher and we were both laughing about it. Something like this happens about once a day when you are with 27 first graders!!!