Friday, February 26, 2010

Things everyone should know about me!

1. If I had a choice to eat anywhere in the world...I would choose WENDY'S!
2. I have an obsession with buying movies...everywhere I go if they sell movies, I almost always buy one (even if it is dumb)
3. I have a really hard time getting to know people...if you want to get to know me, you have to make the first step. As I like to call it I am a "blow-dryer person" first you have to break through the ice and then you have to keep the blow dryer on me as to keep the ice from building up again!
4. I have a huge wall up when comes to letting people help me with anything.
5. I like to fix things...I like the satisfaction of making things look better.
6. My closet is organized in a very specific way by style and color and it has to stay that way.
7. I hate sheets...I can't stand to sleep in them. I also never sleep in my covers...I always just sleep with a big blanket.
8. I can be very anti-social...its a good thing that my roommates make me do things.
9. I love to organize papers, books, movies, and anything else that can be put in order.
10. I rarely keep in touch with old friends.
11. My favorite food is a lemon...and yes I just eat it plain with a little bit of salt.
12. I save everything!
13. I love to be in charge and in control.
14. I love to buy things for my makes me feel good.
15. I love to wash the dishes.
16. I am very sarcastic...most people just think that I am rude because I am so sarcastic.
17. I cannot drive in my car without the radio on or some sort of noise...I hate it when I ride with someone else and they don't have the radio on and it is silent. For awhile I had no radio in my car, so I had to listen to my mp3 player so i wouldn't be alone with my thoughts
18. Sometimes I forget to use my brain filter and say things that I shouldn't.
19. I love to take pictures, even though I am not very good at it.
20. I love to be around little kids...if I could I would be around them all the time.
21. I like to make people laugh, but after I do I usually always feel embarrassed.
22. I hardly ever try new things.
23. I would rather sleep on the floor rather then a couch.
24. I love to dance, but I know that I can't and yet I do it anyway.
25. I can't stand it when people don't like me.
26. I love to argue with people.
27. If I had one day to live I would want to laugh as much as I could in that one day.
28. My sister Pauli is my best friend and I love her!
29. I can't wait to have a family of my own!
30. I love to just hang out and do random things that are so simple and yet turn out to be the best memories...(i.e. camping and making memories, spray painting plates, hanging out at Joe's, and staying up till 6 am)
31. I clean my roommates room...and I enjoy it! I know I am weird!
32. I love chap stick!
33. Music is the passion of my life, i can't sing or anything like that, but I love to jam out to my favorite songs!
34. I love Summer!
35. I like to help people, I like the feeling of being needed!
36. Sometimes I get a big head when people complement me!
37. I love the Gospel with all my heart and try my hardest to do what is right!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how long it took you to think these up but it somes you up pretty perfectly!!!
